Evaluation of School Mental Health Program


Objectives of the study

The objective of this evaluation is to conduct the final evaluation of 2018 – 2021 phase of the SMHP in line with the project indicators as outlined in logical framework and M&E plan. The evaluation will help to assess project’s achievements at the end of the implementation period as well as provide recommendations for improvements in the future implementation phase(s).

Following are the specific objectives of the evaluation:

  1. provide an independent assessment of the progress made towards achievement of the program objectives, its outcome and impact on the lives of beneficiaries – i.e. students, teachers and parents.
  2. provide recommendations in areas of improvements for learning and future intervention (for 2022-2025).
  3. Assess the results of project intervention before COVID and during COVID pandemic situation.

The evaluation will be used to inform CMC-Nepal as well as donor’s understanding of the grantee’s performance at the project level and will support learning from the project outcomes to inform further work in the project area

Scope of work

The PHRD team will carry out the final evaluation of the project in Salyan, Kailali and Gorkha district in Nepal. The evaluation will assess the current status of the program outcomes and outputs, and establish the progress based on project indicators. The progress will also be measured and compared against the baseline to assess and quantify the achievements, and provide recommendations and challenges at the end of the project implementation period.

The PHRD team will comply the survey instrument for both quantitative and qualitative aspect the evaluation study. School questionnaire survey will be the primary quantitative methods, while Focused Group Discussion (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) will also be conducted for qualitative data collection. Consequently, Classroom observation (psychosocial promotional activities practiced classrooms), case stories and TRF tools will be assessed to observe the changes of the program on the behaviour of targeted beneficiaries and promotion of child friendly environment at schools after the practice of psychosocial intervention.

In summary, PHRD team will be principally responsible for designing and conducting the evaluation study, proposing the methodology, developing the tools, questionnaires and instruments, field data collection and analysis and preparing and submitting final reports. All the mentioned tasks and processes will be conducted in close collaboration with sectorial specialists and project focal persons from CMC- Nepal. The brief description of the different activities for the evaluation work is presented below:

  • Develop the study proposal (both technical and financial) with purposed methodology and tools for conducting the final evaluation based on TOR.
  • Desk-review of project documents, progress reports, baseline and end line surveys and other relevant documents.
  • Develop the survey tools and methods for both qualitative and quantitative aspect of the evaluation and finalize them in close consultation with CMC- Nepal team.
  • Finalizing the process, methodology, survey tools and guidelines in consultation with CMC- Nepal.
  • Develop the sampling protocols and data collection and management protocols to standardize and ensure quality of the field level data collection process.
  • Recruit and train field enumerators (supervisors, interviewers, observers/recorder, reviewers etc.), pre-testing tools conduct the field level data collection with set standards and quality.
  • Ensuring data completeness, quality check and verification of the collected field data and confirming all processes are completed with set protocols and standards.
  • Develop the template for data entry, data cleaning and analysis of the collected information and data both qualitative and quantitative.
  • Present the preliminary findings of the evaluation and share the draft report to CMC- Nepal for their feedback.
  • Finalize the reports based on feedbacks/ in close consultation with CMC- Nepal.
  • Submit final report as per the template provided by CMC- Nepal along with data sheet.

Duration: 10th October 2021 to 20 December 2021.

Study area: Kailali, Salyan and Gorkha

Evaluator: Dr. Deependra Kaji Thapa and Janak Thapa


Posted on

October 11, 2021