Objectives of the end-line survey
The aim of the study is to conduct a project level endline survey to assess the outcomes and impact of project in Bajura district. The overall objective of the endline survey is to generate the data/information from the project’s targeted groups as they deal with improving behavior, attitude, and practices for menstrual hygiene management (MHM), with a view to compare the result status with Project’s targets and baseline. The endline survey will focus on understanding the changes in the endline and will be primarily a KAP (Knowledge Attitude and Practice) survey that generates the quantitative and qualitative data of a particular situation or target population to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding menstrual hygiene management.
Following are the specific objectives of the endline survey:
- To assess the level of improvement in MHM-related knowledge, attitude, and practice among target groups.
- To compare, measure and analyze the results with project’s result framework and baseline survey.
- To know the prevailing opportunities, challenges, catalysts, and sectoral overviews of MHM with a view to improving the MHM behavior, attitude, and practice in the same working location, including in similar areas in the future.
- To serve as a reference knowledge document (the endline report) for internal and external purposes.
 Scope of the assignment
The endline survey will be carried out in the project area which include two Rural Municipalities and three Municipalities targeting health posts, schools, FCHVs, women of reproductive age, school students, adolescents, and other stakeholders. The endline study will assess the project’s deliverables and results by applying appropriate data collection methods (mix methods) from schools, health facilities, communities, and other social institutions. Likewise, institutional information will be gathered from primary and secondary approaches to data generation.
The endline survey will collect, analyze and report different information at school, health facilities, and community/municipality levels. Following information will be collected, analyzed and reported at different levels to find adequate endline information relevant with the requirements of the project.
- Socio-economic (including demographic) status of the sample adolescents
- Existing WASH facilities at school and healthcare facilities
- KAP among adolescents on WASH rights and MHM related issues
- MHM practice among adolescents’ girls in project schools and communities
- Existing facilities for MHM in schools
- Stigma and discrimination, taboos related to menstruation
- Capacity of local level institutions (school, School management committees, health facilities, municipality office) to implement and monitor policies on inclusive WASH
Partner: Good Neighbors International Nepal, Ekantakuna-13, Lalitpur
Duration: 01 September to 15 December 2022
Study team:
Dr. Deependra Kaji Thapa-Team leader
Mr. Janak Thapa- Public Health expert
Ms. Anjalina Kari -Reproductive Health (RH), MHM Expert