Following the recommendations from the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) survey conducted to identify how PSBI among newborns and young infants are being managed in private sectors, a 9 months pilot intervention in Kavre district targeting private service providers at medicine shops/ clinic tat already provided antibiotic treatment for sick young infants was carried out. Result showed poor adherence to the pilot protocol. The result were from the service registers maintained by the private providers and the pilot lacked to further understand on why there was poor adherence. Besides, pilot was not able to validate the reported information on treatment, follow up and referral by the private providers with the PSBI clients. Perspectives of the stakeholders (DHO and referral hospitals) on pilot implementation and way forward to engage with the private sectors, that was no the part of the pilot. This qualitative study aimed to fill the above stated key information and learning gaps and compliment learning from the MCSP pilot study.
- To explore the barriers and enablers for private providers in assessing and treating the sick young infants, during and after the pilot implementation.
- To understand the experience of coordination between the private providers and referral hospital during implementation and if those relationships maintained since implementation ended
- To understand the perspectives of clients towards the service of private providers for treatment and referral of sick child.
- To identify the barriers in maintaining the service records of sick young infants after the phase out of the pilot intervention
- To explore the suggestion/way forward from relevant stakeholders and private providers in improving the private sector engagement for the quality of care of sick young infants.
- Desk Review
- Key Informant Interviews: Stakeholders of MCSP
- Indepth Interviews: private service providers, beneficiaries of services, pediatrician of Dhulikhel Hospital
- Data Analysis
- Report Preparation
December 2019- March 2020

Save the Children, Nepal
Working Area
Kavrepalanchowk, Nepal