Telemedicine Program Guideline Development


Access, equality and cost effective health care services are key issues in both developed and developing country. Modern communication and technology like internet, mobiles, computers etc are making individuals to communicate, to exchange and to share their health problems and others issues easier now days.

In the field of e-health, tele-medicine is an important component to provide medical services at remote areas . Tele-medicine is like video conference, telecommunication used to deliver health services at remote areas, such as health assessments, consultations etc. It involves distance medical diagnosis, clinical management even the treatment and education for patients. Tele-medicine which literally means “healing at a distance” with uses of information communication technology to improve patients outcomes by increasing access to care and medical information.

In 2010, the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) started rural telemedicine program in two remote district hospitals of Nepal which was expanded up to 20 districts. Before the MOHP the Health Net project initiated telemedicine program at 2004, in same year different organization like Om hospital, wireless network provides telemedicine services in different areas of health care like dermatology, pathology etc.

In this context, PHRD Nepal became consultant firm for Development of Telemedicine Program Standards and Operating procedures, for Curative Service Division, Department of Health Services.

Project Objectives

  • to develop standards and operating procedure for telemedicine program


Project Activities

Review of national policies, acts, regulations

Review of international literature and practices

Consultative meetings with service providers, stakeholders and Technical Working Group

Interactive workshop

Working areas


Kathmandu based
Project timeline
December 2019 onward