Basic Health Service Package (BHS), 2018


Universal coverage reform is one of the four current concerns of PHC reforms’ agenda (universal coverage, service delivery, leadership and public policy) mainly to improve health equity, and effective response to the health challenges of today’s World. Since 2007, Nepal has adopted a policy of free health care services to the poor and vulnerable citizens attending primary health care centers and district hospitals (up to 25–bed capacity) as a targeted exemption provision from 2007; additional free outpatient services were also offered to the same groups from the district hospitals in 35 districts on the basis of lowest ranked Human Development Index from 2008. Then after six months, a universal free health care provision was implemented at Sub-Health Post and Health Post level. A second universal program commenced in January 2008 aimed the provision of free essential health care services to all citizens.


Similarly, being committed with the spirit of the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2007: “access to basic health services as a fundamental right of each and every Nepali citizen” the Ministry of Health and Population has endorsed free health care services provision as an ambitious socialistic approach from January 2009; to meet the demand of rural population, poor and needy people. Further, Constitution of Nepal 2015 also mentioned “access to basic health services as a fundamental right of each and every Nepali citizen” but there was no standard package for classification of health services in to basic health services. In this regard, PHRD Nepal in collaboration with Primary Health Care Revitalization Division (PHCRD) under MoHP drafted the BHS package for new federal structure. The draft was developed through the series of consultative workshops including, Secretary of Ministry of Health and Population, Directors of different Departments and Divisions, ex- Secretary, Directors and DGs, and locally elected government.

Project Objectives

  • to develop basic health service package


Project Activities

In the first step, the draft package was reviewed and modified in consultative workshop with the chief and health managers of the Ministry and Department level. In the second step, the package was discussed among the ex-directors of Department of Health Services, public health experts, representatives from health councils and head of hospitals.


Then in the third step, the discussion/consultative workshop on the package was done among the chiefs of divisions and centers under the Department of Health Services. On the fourth step, the package was revised after discussion with health coordinators and representatives at local level from all seven provinces. The draft prepared, was again discussed among departmental heads and representatives.


Then, the feedback was received from representatives from organizations at central level such as World Health Organizations and health-related stakeholders from other non-governmental organizations which was then further revised at health secretarial level meeting and was presented to Hon Deputy Prime-minister and Minister of Health and Population on 2075-03-25 to receive valuable feedback which led to finalization of this package. Now a days BHS had been approved by federal constitution of Nepal.

Working areas


Primarily Kathmandu with field visits in different parts of the country as per need 

Project timeline

5 months (March-July, 2018)