Home based Health Service Standard Development

Ensuring Access to health service is key to achieving Universal Health Coverage. Elderly, disabled and other needy group are often facing challenges in accessing health facilities from health institutions. Public Health Service Act 2075 legalize (Clause 24) that health service can be provided door to door (home based) and should be standardized and monitored by local government. The practice of home based health services are increasing. However, there is no standard or guideline for regulating these mushrooming home based health services. The Public Health Act 2075 (clause 64) gives right to federal level for preparing regulating documents for the country to regulate health services.
In this regard, Nursing and Social Security Division of Department of Health Services initiated to prepare Standards and Operating Procedures for Home based health services. PHRD Nepal was selected as technical partner (consultant) for preparing final draft of the document.Â
Project Objectives
to develop standards and operating procedure for home based health servicesÂ
Project Activities
Review of national policies, acts, regulations
Review of international literature and practices
Consultative meetings with service providers, stakeholders and Technical Working Group
Interactive workshop
Working areas
Kathmandu based
Project timeline
November 2019 onward