Building Trust and Confidence among NTD Affected and Vulnerable Population (BISWAS)” Project

Baseline study

The main objective of the baseline study is to establish baseline benchmark by collecting information on component objectives (outcomes) as well as output indicators mentioned in the log frame that will be utilized in outcome monitoring and impact measurement of the project. The baseline survey will yield the parameters which can be used during the midterm and end line evaluation. In addition, baseline study will also inform project design, prioritization and setting targets by providing a detailed description of current conditions of the project area. Following are the specific objectives of the baseline study.

  1. Determine current levels of Knowledge, attitude, and practice/behavior on NTDs, MNH, disabilities and WASH in the project districts
  2. Identify the status of health facility readiness to provide integrated NTD and MNH services and quality of these services.
  3. Assess the status of community mobilization to ensure the access to and utilization of NTD, MNH related services by the most marginalized including PWDs
  4. Further analysis of socio-demographic and socio-economic factors with respect to MNH, NTD related service utilization pattern and behavior
  5. Current situation of NTDs affected and PWDs people with their Quality-of-life index
  6. Assess the capacity development needs of the local government in terms of leadership and management of equity, inclusion and evidence based basic health services

Scope of work

The baseline study will collect, analyze, and report different information at individual, household, community, health facility, and rural/municipality level line agencies. The information to be collected will include outputs and outcome indicators, as well as knowledge, attitudes, and practices of beneficiaries. The design and implementation of baseline study will consider the strategic direction and other relevant FAIRMED policies, following high ethical standards and data quality.

The baseline survey consultants will primarily be responsible for the following aspects of the assessment:

  1. Development of baseline methodology

The methodology for conducting the baseline study has been proposed in this proposal submitted by the consultant. Based on the discussion with FAIRMED Foundation program team and review of the organizational and relevant project documents, the consultants will develop and finalize the baseline methodology and study tools.

  1. Study tools development and finalization

After rigorous review of the project documents (especially the log-frame matrix and M&E framework), the consultants will develop the baseline tools targeting different types of respondents. The draft tools will be shared and discussed with FAIRMED project team and finalized together.

  1. Orientation training to field researchers and enumerators

The consultants will recruit field researchers (supervisors and enumerators), train them in a participatory workshop and mobilize for the fieldwork for data collection.

  1. Data collection

After the completion of field researchers’ training, the field team will be mobilized for data collection. The consultant team together with the FAIRMED project team will oversee the data collection and apply quality control measures.

  1. Data analysis and report writing

After the completion of data collection, the consultants will clean and analyze the data. Draft report will be prepared and submitted to FAIRMED for feedback and the report will be finalized after incorporating the feedback.

Duration:1 September 2021 to 31 December 2021

Researcher: Mr. Chiranjibi Nepal and Dr. Deependra Kaji Thapa

Study area: Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari



Posted on

October 11, 2021