by PHRD Nepal | Mar 13, 2024
Introduction Leprosy, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is a chronic infectious disease that affects the nerves and skin, often leading to physical, emotional, and social disabilities. In Nepal during the fiscal year 2021/22, 2285 new leprosy cases across 64 districts...
by PHRD Nepal | Dec 28, 2023
Introduction: Blindness and visual impairment are pressing health issues for individuals aged 50 and above in Nepal’s Karnali province. The primary healthcare system in Nepal doesn’t cover eye care, leaving people in remote areas without access to these...
by PHRD Nepal | Dec 14, 2023
The report: The objective of this report is an assessment of the Sunita project’s mid-term indicators related to its intended impact, outcome, and four outputs. The report compares these indicators with the project’s baseline survey data and three-year targets....
by PHRD Nepal | Oct 2, 2023
Background The project’s objective is to create enduring, all-encompassing mental health and psychosocial services within community settings by enhancing the healthcare system’s involvement of individuals with psychosocial disabilities in the Tanahun...
by PHRD Nepal | Sep 3, 2023
Generating Evidence of Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security Impacts of Resilience and Food Security Program (SABAL) in Nepal Nepal Public Health Research and Development Centre (PHRD Nepal) is currently conducting an impact assessment study of the SABAL...